
- Purpose: The Myra Kraft Transitional Year Program (MKTYP) is for students who have demonstrated academic promise, leadership potential and resilience in their life experiences, but may have lacked access to pre-college academic opportunities and resources.
- Vision: The MKTYP experience allows these students to learn about new possibilities for their lives, and to apply the focus, energy, tenacity, perseverance, and maturity previously devoted to prevailing in the face of personal challenges, to now pursuing academic success.
- Investment: $5 Million has been endowed to this program since Myra Kraft’s passing in 2011.

- Purpose: An innovative approach to workforce development, which provides skills training to at-risk and proven-risk young men and women, in order to guarantee placement in a trade career. Many program participants have had serious involvement with the criminal justice system. The program provides case management support and partners with trade unions to ensure success.
- Mission: To provide meaningful employment that is intentional, career driven and offers a “way out” for those most at risk or proven risk in Boston.
- Investment: $200,000 total given to support the program since 2016.

- Purpose: Kraft Family Philanthropies established the Kraft Family Scholarship Fund with BFIT to provide “last dollar” scholarships for incoming freshmen to eliminate any financial barriers for them to attend the program.
- Mission: BFIT is an affordable, urban, private, nonprofit college serving the Boston region and committed to student success and career readiness in technology fields. Through personalized support, hands-on learning, and industry-informed curricula, BFIT prepares graduates for work, life-long learning, and citizenship.
- Investment: $200,000 total given since 2016 to support more than 50 students and their dreams to attend BFIT.

- Mission: To serve as a center of healing, teaching, and learning for families and communities impacted by murder, trauma, grief, and loss.
- Vision: To create and sustain an environment where all families can live in peace and all people are valued.
- Investment: The Kraft Family and New England Patriots have a history of partnership with Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, including support of its annual Mother’s Day Walk for Peace. The existing partnership led to a leadership gift of $100,000 through the Kraft Family/Patriots Player Collaborative Fund in September 2020.